What is grief support?

Grief support is there to help you with the death of a loved one. Support can come in many ways, like counseling or support groups. Grief support includes learning:

  • How to process your emotions
  • Ways to take care of yourself
  • How to prepare for emotions that may come up on holidays, birthdays, or anniversaries
  • Taking a break from grief

Why is grief support important?

Grief support is important and available for people of all ages, including children, when a loss or trauma happens.

Grieving includes the entire process of coping with a loss, and it can last a long time. Grief support can be key to recovery and acceptance of the loss of your loved one or trauma during the whole process.

Everyone goes through the grieving process in different ways and at different times, so support is there to help you in the way that you need. Reach out for different types of support as you move through the stages of grief, including:

Accepting and making sense of your loss or trauma. Your loved one’s funeral or memorial service is a good place to start talking about your loss and sharing your sadness with others who also feel the loss. In the weeks, months, and years afterwards, let your friends and family know how you’re feeling about it. Consider reaching out to a counselor or chaplain for help talking about your loss and accepting that your loved one is gone.

Working through the pain you have. You will feel a wide range of emotions that may include sadness, fear, anger, loneliness, guilt, or relief. It’s important to let yourself have these feelings, not bottle them up, so you can understand and move through them. A counselor or chaplain can help with this process, especially if your pain and sorrow continue to get in the way of your daily life.

Adjusting to a life without your loved one being physically there or after a trauma. It may take time for you to realize all of the things your loved one did, such as tasks around your home, paying bills, or planning social activities with others. You may need to learn new skills. Try to be open to learning new things and reaching out to other people for help and social connection. Attending a grief group in your area is a good way to see how other people move forward with a new type of relationship to the person who has passed away.